City Council

Powers and Duties of the City Council and Mayor

The City Council consists of the Mayor and six councilpersons elected at large from the city.

The Mayor’s function is to be the chairperson of the Council and preside over its meetings and deliberations. He/she may call special meetings but has no vote except as a tiebreaker. The Mayor has authority to preserve order and enforce the rules of the Council. He/she appoints all committees and signs all ordinances and resolutions approved by the Council. He/she has no veto power. The Mayor is the official representative to sign contracts, etc. for the City. He/she can promote the City in the manner of a public relations person but cannot make decisions on behalf of the City.

All Council members must attend the regular monthly meetings and special meetings as necessary to carry on the business of the City. The City Council oversees the day-to-day operations of the City and its employees. They are also part of the budget committee for the City.

The City has all powers granted to municipalities in the constitutions, statutes, and common law of the United States and the State of Oregon. Except as provided otherwise in the Charter, all powers of the City are vested in the Council as a whole. No one person, including the Mayor, may act or speak on behalf of the City without express permission from the City Council. In the case of a vacancy on the Council, the office is to be filled by appointment of the remaining Council members.